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Area Download Medicina Estetica

Scarica E-Book
La medicina non invasiva in estetica
Radiofrequenza in Ginecologia
Teoria e PraticaAmbulatoriale
Relisa Pubblicazioni Scientifiche
Pinkerton Relationship between changes in vulvar-vaginal atrophy and changes in sexual functioning (2017)
Lalji - Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of a monopolar nonablative radiofrequency device for the improvement of vulvo-vaginal laxity and urinary incontinence (2017)
Qureshi- Nonsurgical Vulvovaginal Rejuvenation With Radiofrequency and Laser Devices: A Literature Review and Comprehensive Update for Aesthetic Surgeons (2017)
Tadir - Light and Energy Based Therapeutics for Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause: Consensus and Controversies (2017)
Vanaman-Emerging Trends in Nonsurgical Female Genital Rejuvenation
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